The Jessica Simpson® Collection is a collaboration close to Jessica’s heart.
Established in 2005, the Jessica Simpson Collection is now available in 62 countries and over 2,500 distribution points.
Built with her mother, Tina, the collection also enlists design direction from Jessica’s younger sister, Ashlee Simpson, the co-creative director of Jessica Simpson Girls.
Available globally, the lifestyle brand offers footwear, apparel, fragrance, fashion accessories, maternity apparel, girls’ and baby apparel as well as a growing home collection.
Reflecting all that is modern Americana, the collection is iconic, trend-right, free-spirited, comfortable and affordable.
Very much like Jessica herself, the collection is classically familiar, approachable yet inspirational, sexy yet sweet, flirtatious and whimsical, sometimes vintage—but always of-the-moment.
Today "Plus Size Fashion World" brings to your attention a collection of Jessica Simpson bathing suits for full girls and women of a summer season of 2015.
You will find the most various types of bathing suits in a collection - bikini, tankini, skirtini.
All models of the bathing suits represented in a collection have the sizes 1X-3X.