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| Main » 2017 » March » 17 » Canadian Plus Size Magazine Dare, Spring-Summer 2017
2:34 PM Canadian Plus Size Magazine Dare, Spring-Summer 2017 |
Later half a year at last there was issue of the Canadian fashion magazine for curvy women Dare.
Alas, the log, seemingly, has serious problems. Earlier it quitted four times a year and the volume of log was rather big.
The new issue of the magazine has only 31 pages and its subject, we will tell directly, is rather disputable.
The spring and summer release of log is devoted to bloggers and readers of log where they present the clothes occasionally created by own hands.
Of course there are in log also materials about fashionable trends of plus size clothes of a spring and summer season of 2017, there are photos of beautiful models of clothes, there is even an interview, the truth with the famous bloggers specializing in the plus size industry.
But in fact this and all. Sadly. And remembering that the most famous American fashion magazine for stout women of Plus Model Magazine ceased to publish the electronic version, that at least popular magazine Scorch began to quit time in half of year, and even is more rare, that the Fullbeauty log commanded it ceased to be published, as well as the Pose log, a situation appears, frankly speaking, deplorable.
Of course, still there are less famous fashion magazines for stout women, such as Be Plus, Curvy Connect Magazine, Full Blossom, BGP Magazine, Slink, etc.
But they are published not periodically in addition contents them conceived is so uninteresting that we very often simply don't publish their releases on the pages "Plus Size dashion World".
The era of paper fashion magazines for complete ladies passed, seemingly, long ago there passes also the era of online magazines. As it isn't sad, but it is necessary to reconcile also to it.
But we will return to new release of Dare. Look through, look and and all you will understand.
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