Happy Size Company has appeared in the market of clothes of the big sizes in 1997. It has begun the activity with a spadework and planning, polls of clients and master classes that it is better to learn desires of clients and on the basis of it to create assortment of the goods attractive to them.
The first catalog of the company left in 1998. The advertizing company has passed under the slogan "Strong women need a strong fashion at the correct price!" On this advertizing the firm has received in a short space of time some hundred thousand catalog inquiries. Much more, than founders of the company expected it in the most courageous dreams. Within the first weeks it has been sold so much goods, how many it has been planned for all season.
With 2000 Happy Size Company is present at the Internet. Clients of firm can choose on more than 1.000 positions in catalogs for a season. Besides, in catalogs various advice for choi
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